Reformed Cake Trends

Any kind of celebration is incomplete without candles and cake. A happy moment be it anniversary, birthday, retirement or some achievement calls for a cake party. In ancient times, refined sugar, nuts and dry fruits were considered rare commodities and were available at a high cost. Because of this cakes were made for a very special occasion and the person for whom it was prepared had a feeling of honor. It made a person feel loved in true sense.


But gone are the days when cakes only meant strawberry, vanilla, pineapple or chocolate cakes. Baking a cake is now counted in forms of art. It is one kind of a scientific process based on invention and innovation. Chefs these days put in too much effort to make a cake the best experience for your taste buds. Think of a shape or color or design in your mind and the same can be replicated in your cake. The new variety of cake involves 3D cakes, graphic cakes, multi-tired cakes, and photo cakes. Earlier people had to choose from the given variety in a bakery shop but now customers are creating their own variety. So, if you are planning to have that chocolate truffle cake for your birthday or some special occasion then definitely you need to rethink as this might be a boring plan.

Too many people are getting into the business of baking cakes but it is no child's play. For a mouth watering one you need to be very careful regarding the measurements of every ingredient. To sustain the competition in the market one need to think out of the box. Also, it is not only about the flavor of the cake about which you need to worry rather the decoration of a cake matters most. Ten years back it was easier to identify the ingredients of the cake in a single bite, as it was only vanilla, strawberry, chocolate and pineapple. Today it is a mystery to identify what all is in there in that beautiful cake. Common ingredients, which make up this delicacy, are mango, peppermint, pomegranate, pumpkin, lime, peanut butter, apple and caramel.

Cakes were prepared only in round shapes initially and a square shop was a tedious task for the chefs long time back. Shapes got advanced with time and that round cake got transformed into various shapes like hexagon, heart, rectangular and even shapes of some realistic objects like shoes, purses, a cartoon character, ship etc.

Cupcakes have gained popularity over the time. They are not just a part of children's birthday party now. A cupcake has got a place in the dessert menu of almost every party these days. It can be served individually in different flavors and looks elegant and tempting on dining table.