Chhath Puja is celebrated in the Kartika month of Vikram Samvat or Vikrami calendar. It is celebrated after 6 days of Diwali mainly by Biharis and Nepalese. Moreover, it is also known as Surya Shashthi as it is celebrated on Kartik Shukla Shashthi. Furthermore, it is mainly celebrated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. This festival is dedicated to Surya Devta (Sun God) to thank him for providing prosperity and life on earth. It is a four day festival with rigorous rituals. Along with the Sun God, Chhathi Maiya is also worshipped on this day. Chhath is also observed in a small manner in the Chaitra month of Vikram Samvat and known as Chaiti Chhath.
You can check the dates and days of Chhath Puja for the upcoming 05 years from the table provided below. The third day of Chhath Puja is usually considered the main day. Thus, we have provided the dates of the main Chhath Puja day.
Year | Date | Day |
2021 | 10 November | Wednesday |
2022 | 30 October | Sunday |
2023 | 19 November | Sunday |
2024 | 07 November | Thursday |
2025 | 28 October | Tuesday |